
Einwendungen Dritter gegen Patentanmeldungen in den USA

In den letzten Wochen habe ich vermehrt “Third Party Submissions” beim USPTO eingereicht. Das Konzept gefällt mir: Ein Patent eines Wettbewerbers zu verhindern oder den Schutzumfang zu reduzieren hat einen klar nachvollziehbaren Wert und kann möglicherweise mehrere hunderttausend Dollar an Kosten für einen späteren Rechtsstreit sparen. Dabei scheint mir insbesondere die Möglichkeit attraktiv US Prüfer auf deutsche Veröffentlichungen sowie auf Publikationen hinzuweisen die keine Patentschriften sind, z.B. Betriebsanleitungen oder Presseveröffentlichungen des eigenen Produkts die das Patent des Wettbewerbers vorwegnehmen. Denn die Chancen des US Prüfers eine solche zu finden sind erfahrungsgemäß gering.

Die Regeln des USPTO bei der Eingabe sind allerdings strikt:  Die Eingabe darf lediglich auf Veröffentlichungen hinweisen, nicht aber die Patentierbarkeit der Anmeldung des Wettbewerbers diskutieren. Mit einigem Geschick bei der Formulierung einer “concise description” der Relevanz des Standes der Technik ist der Unterschied aber gering.

Die “Third Party Submission” kann innerhalb von 6 Monaten nach Veröffentlichung einer Patentanmeldung in den USA eingereicht werden.


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Kostenlose Patentanmeldung für Arbeitnehmererfindungen

Eine Regelung die mich immer fasziniert hat ist die Schutzrechtsanmeldung im Ausland gemäß dem Arbeitnehmererfindungsgesetz:

§ 14 Schutzrechtsanmeldung im Ausland

(1) Nach Inanspruchnahme der Diensterfindung ist der Arbeitgeber berechtigt, diese auch im Ausland zur Erteilung von Schutzrechten anzumelden.
(2) Für ausländische Staaten, in denen der Arbeitgeber Schutzrechte nicht erwerben will, hat er dem Arbeitnehmer die Diensterfindung freizugeben und ihm auf Verlangen den Erwerb von Auslandsschutzrechten zu ermöglichen. Die Freigabe soll so rechtzeitig vorgenommen werden, daß der Arbeitnehmer die Prioritätsfristen der zwischenstaatlichen Verträge auf dem Gebiet des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes ausnutzen kann.
(3) Der Arbeitgeber kann sich gleichzeitig mit der Freigabe nach Absatz 2 ein nichtausschließliches Recht zur Benutzung der Diensterfindung in den betreffenden ausländischen Staaten gegen angemessene Vergütung vorbehalten und verlangen, daß der Arbeitnehmer bei der Verwertung der freigegebenen Erfindung in den betreffenden ausländischen Staaten die Verpflichtungen des Arbeitgebers aus den im Zeitpunkt der Freigabe bestehenden Verträgen über die Diensterfindung gegen angemessene Vergütung berücksichtigt.

Das deutsche Recht gibt dem Arbeitgeber also prinzipiell zwei Optionen: Er kann die Anmeldung selbst im Ausland anmelden, oder er muss dem Erfinder ermöglichen im Ausland auf eigene Kosten ein Patent anzumelden. Im letzteren Fall kann der Arbeitgeber sich eine Benutzung gegen angemessene Vergütung vorbehalten, muss aber quasi die Erfindung von seinem Arbeitnehmer lizensieren. Der Arbeitnehmer kann den Arbeitgeber damit im Umkehrschluss zwingen im Ausland Patente anzumelden, oder aber dem Arbeitnehmer die Anmeldung freizulassen.

In der Praxis wird ein Arbeitnehmer oftmals die Kosten einer eigenen Auslandsanmeldung scheuen, so dass bei fehlendem Interesse des Arbeitgebers die Erfindung im Ausland ungeschützt bleibt und frei kopiert werden kann.

Genau hier besteht Potential: Der Arbeitnehmer kann die Rechte an der Erfindung, sobald diese für das Ausland vom Arbeitgeber freigegeben wurden, an einen Dritten veräußern. Der Dritte kann dann im Ausland Patente anmelden. Sollte der Arbeitgeber die Erfindung seines Arbeitnehmers im Ausland nutzen wollen muss er jetzt, sofern ein Patent erteilt wird, die Rechte an dem Patent erwerben oder lizensieren. Oder aber er muss auf den Verkauf des patentierten Produkts im Ausland verzichten.

Daher mein Angebot an alle deutschen Arbeitnehmererfinder deren Erfindung in der Verwendung von Produkten des Arbeitgebers geplant ist und deren Arbeitgeber Produkte in den USA verkauft: Kontaktieren Sie mich!  Es kann sein, dass ich Ihnen Ihre Rechte an Ihrer Erfindung abkaufen möchte. In diesem Fall würde ich ein Patent in den USA anmelden, das Sie als Erfinder benennt. Ihnen entstehen bei der Anmeldung keinerlei Kosten. Sofern ein Patent erteilt wird bemühe ich mich um die Vermarktung des Patents (z.B. die Lizensierung an Ihren Arbeitgeber) und Sie erhalten einen Teil des Erlöses.

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So sparen Sie Kosten für einen Patentanwalt

“Wieviel kostet es, ein Patent anzumelden” ist eine wiederkehrende Frage, die besonders Privaterfinder einem Patentanwalt stellen. Leider ist die richtige Antwort ziemlich unbefriedigend: “Es kommt ganz darauf an”.

Weniger bekannt ist, dass Erfinder die Kosten der Inanspruchnahme eines Patentanwalts ganz erheblich beeinflussen können. Dieser Beitrag zeigt, wie Anmelder durch aktive Mitarbeit die Gesamtkosten bis zur Erteilung eines Patents reduzieren können. Dazu muss man zunächst verstehen, dass Kosten zur Erteilung eines Patents in drei Etappen anfallen:

  1. Kosten im Rahmen der Erstellung und Einreichung einer Patentanmeldung.
  2. Kosten im Zusammenhang mit der Antwort auf Prüfungsbescheide.
  3. Kosten nach Erlaubnis einer Anmeldung um ein Patent zur Erteilungs zu bringen.

Die Kosten im Schritt 3 nach Erlaubnis eines Patents sind im Wesentlichen durch amtliche Gebühren geprägt, und von daher wenig beeinflussbar. Die Kosten im Schritt 1 und 2 sind hingegen ganz erheblich von der Mitarbeit des Anmelders abhängig.

Was Sie machen sollten:

  1. Versuchen Sie zunächst herauszufinden, ob Ihre Idee neu ist. Nur weil Sie Ihre Erfindung noch nicht bei Karstadt gesehen haben muss Sie nicht neu sein. Google hat eine gute Patent-Suchmaschine unter , die jetzt auch deutschsprachige Patentdokumente enthält. Notieren Sie Dokumente, die Ihrer Idee nahe kommen. Patentanwälte nennen das “Stand der Technik”.
  2. Überlegen Sie, ob ein Patent für Sie einen Wert haben wird. Gehen Sie davon aus, dass Sie mindestens $10,000 bis zum Inkrafttreten Ihres Patents ausgeben werden. Das sind $10,000, die Sie für die Entwicklung Ihres Produkts, Muster, oder Werbung ausgeben könnten!  Ist das Recht, anderen den Nachbau Ihrer Erfindung verbieten zu können, soviel wert?
  3. Sie sind überzeugt, dass die Anmeldung eines Patents sinnvoll ist. Sie wollen eine Patentanmeldung einreichen. Diese Anmeldung ist eine technisch präzise Beschreibung Ihrer Erfindung und grenzt die Erfindung vom im Schritt 1 gefundenen Stand der Technik ab. Dummerweise kann Ihr Patentanwalt keine Gedanken lesen. Entweder Sie schreiben auf, was Sie genau erfunden haben, oder Sie zahlen Ihren Patentanwalt dafür, die Details Ihrer Erfindung  Ihnen herauszulocken. Hier können Sie viel Geld sparen, indem Sie Ihre Erfindung anhand von Zeichnungen genau beschreiben.
  4. Melden Sie die Erfindung zunächst in einer provisorischen Patentanmeldung an. Die amtlichen Gebühren hierfür sind gering. In den USA kostet eine provisorische Anmeldung eine amtliche Gebühr von $130 bzw. $65 für eine Small Entity bzw. Micro Entity. Wenn Ihre Beschreibung in Schritt 3 gut ist kann diese direkt eingereicht werden. In den USA kann sogar ein deutscher Text provisorisch angemeldet werden.
  5. Entwickeln Sie die Erfindung für neuen Monate weiter. Bauen Sie ein Muster. Stellen Sie es möglichen Kunden, Partnern, oder Lizenznehmern vor. Nach neun Monaten bewerten Sie den kommerziellen Erfolg Ihrer Erfindung. Wird sich die Erfindung verkaufen? Haben Sie einen Investor oder Lizenznehmer gefunden? Klasse. Melden Sie eine nicht-provisorische Anmeldung an, womöglich sogar eine PCT-Anmeldung. Oder aber: Freuen Sie sich, dass Sie in den Schritten 1-4 nicht mehr Geld verloren haben.
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USPTO Discount für Startups und Privatpersonen

Ab dem 19. März 2013 gelten beim US Patentamt neue Gebühren, und Patentanmeldungen werden grundsätzlich teurer.

Die Kosten einer Utility Application für ein Kleinunternehmen mit weniger als 500 Mitarbeitern erhöhen sich zum Beispiel von $533 auf $730, die Kosten einer Geschmacksmusteranmeldung von $265 auf $380.

Im Zusammenhang mit dieser Gebührenerhöhung hat das US Patentamt eine weitere Kategorie von Anmeldern erstellt. Bislang galt die Regel, dass Anmelder entweder als “Large Entity” oder als “Small Entity” eingestuft wurden. Als Small Entity galten alle Unternehmen mit weniger als 500 Mitarbeitern und Privatpersonen, sofern die Rechte an Ihrer Erfindung nicht an eine large Entity abgetreten wurden. Für eine Small Entity reduzieren sich die Large Entity Gebühren um 50%.

Eine Reduzierung der Large Entity Gebühren um 75% bringt eine Einstufung in die neue Gruppe der “Micro Entity” mit sich. Eine Einstufung als Micro Entity erfolgt durch schriftlichen Antrag, der beim Erfüllung von vier Voraussetzungen gestellt werden kann:

  1. Eine Micro Entity muss Small Entity sein. Grundsätzlich kommen somit Privatpersonen und Unternehmen mit weniger als 500 Mitarbeitern in Frage.
  2. Eine Micro Entity darf nicht mehr als 4 Patentanmeldungen eingereicht haben. Wenn entweder einer der Erfinder oder der Anmelder bereits mehr als 4 Anmeldungen in den USA eingereicht hat kann der Status nicht mehr erlangt werden. Provisorische Anmeldungen, Anmeldungen außerhalb der USA, sowie PCT-Anmeldungen bei denen die nationale Phase in den USA nicht eingeleitet wurde zählen nicht dazu. Auch Anmeldungen für einen früheren Arbeitgeber zählen nicht.
  3. Sowohl der Anmelder (also z.B. ein Kleinunternehmen) als auch jeder der Erfinder muss unterhalb einer Einkommensgrenze liegen. Für das Jahr 2013 liegt diese bei $150,162 (121.476  Euro) Bruttoeinkommen im Jahr 2012.
  4. Die Rechte an der Anmeldung dürfen keinem Dritten übertragen wurden, der die Einkommensgrenze unter (3) überschreitet.

Die Micro Entity kommt damit primär für Startup Unternehmen und Privatpersonen mit weniger als $150,162 Bruttoeinkommen im Jahr 2012 ein Frage.  Die amtlichen Gebühren einer US Patentanmeldung betragen für Micro Entities $400, eine Geschmacksmusteranmeldung kostet $190.



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I, the inventor

Filing a patent applications is expensive. The USPTO’s small entity filing fee is currently $462. Much more expensive, however, is the drafting of a patent application by a patent attorney or patent agent.  According to the 2011 AIPLA Economy Survey the typical cost is about $300 per hour,  or $7000 for an average application. That’s a lot of money and may prompt inventors to try obtain a patent without the help of a professional.  While a “pro-se” application may work for some, it certainly is not for everyone.  Take a look at claims from various US patent applications below. Needless to say that none of the claims became a patent.  Good to see though that some of the Examiners were helpful to the pro-se applicants and suggested alternative worded claims.

1. We the inventors claim our invention is made of ⅞ steel tubing.  (Application 20020032106, abandoned after first office action)

1. The inventor is claiming the two-step process of: Step #1: Using a bright light to blind and immobilize an insect. Step #2: To mechanical kill, extirpate, remove or capture the insect. (Application 20100275506, abandoned after first office action)

1. What I claim is to be the sole inventor of the concept of incorporating a Global Positioning System into a device which processes that geographic information signal and then uses it to remotely control a Digital Video Player to read, process, display, and manipulate map and other geographic data files already recorded on a removable Digital Video Disc. (Application 20050280558, now abandoned)

1. This multi-layered pantiliner has separate pads that are adhered together to form one pantiliner. The adhesive on the top layers is light but sufficient to adhere to the pad(s) beneath. The bottom pad has a slightly stronger adhesive and a strip of removable paper attached to the pad and to the smaller strips of adhesive paper on the wings to enable the pad to be firmly attached to underclothing. This two and three-layered concept enables the user to dispose of the soiled layer by peeling it off and discarding it, leaving one or two more clean layers. On the three-layered pantiliner, the second layer can also be removed, leaving a clean third layer, thus ensuring continued cleanliness throughout the day. The undersigned, being the inventor of the disclosed invention, requests that the enclosed papers are accepted under the Disclosure Document Program, and that they be preserved for a period of two years. (Application 20050090792, abandoned after first office action)

1. I Julia Gross, the inventor, claim the Electrical Heat and Vibrating Device helps relieve the symptoms: pain, swelling, and stiffness around the joints with a vibrating and heat sensation over the inflame area. This device is unique, portable lightweight, and has a completely self-contained low voltage. It’s a self-administered therapeutic apparatus and can be used while driving and playing sports because it can be operated by batteries. It’s not time consuming and has a removable lining for easy cleaning. The device itself is a great way to stay moveable without being in pain. There are more perks to this device; as stated above it has a removable lining: the outer layer is leather to contain the heat if the heating element is turned off and most importantly the lining is moisture resistance and heat retardant for safety. Alternatively, the fingertips of the gloves are designed to be removed with detachable tips to aid in visually inspecting fingertips. The glove device can fit the wearer’s hand snuggly and achieve the desired effects from the operation of the vibrator and heater.  (Application 20060041207, abandoned for failure to pay issue fee.  The Examiner in this application was very helpful to the inventor and basically worded a claim, that was allowed in an Examiner’s amendment)

1. I claim ownership to this invention and any variation(s) of the sani-pantie filed on or after this date including, but not limited to, any variation(s) of disposable panty consisting of a stretchable, disposable, mesh cotton, or other materials panty, with side panels that are easily separated for convenient removal, with a built in sanitary pad of absorbent cotton, or other materials, with a leak proof underlining of plastic, vinyl, or other materials, and an overlay of thin cotton mesh, or other materials designed to keep wetness away from the vaginal area: The sanitary pad will be made in the customary manner, and sewn into the disposable panty, creating a disposable one unit product. The breakaway sides of the panty will be made in the customary manner of pull-up training panties for toddlers. This product is designed to replace women’s expensive panties during menses, use of vaginal pharmaceutical preparations during the vaginal infection process, to prevent re-infection, and for comfort, freshness, and convenience. This includes, but is not limited to stress incontinence, and any gynecological or gastrointestinal disease process. I claim ownership to any prototype, model, or finished product developed for marketing, sales, or personal use, of said invention in the United States and abroad. I, Alberta Thomasina Anderson claim to be the sole inventor of the Sani-Pantie, claiming all subject matter presented herewith in this non provisional patent application, as well as the provisional application, and any future variation(s) of said invention by others. (Application 20100286643, abandoned due to failure to respond to Office Action)

1. Invention Function: The concept of the “J-Extractor” is that of a newly designed utensil for extracting water or oil from tuna.  (Application 20030106440, abandoned due to failure to respond to Office Action)

2. That which is claimed is: This is a working prototype apparatus, as I am the inventor and user, I claim that using this apparatus has relieved my back pain as well as prevent back pain or discomfort by using apparatus before and/or after golf, lifting or bending type work  (Application 20090240282. This application did issue as patent 8,002,797 without this claim 2. The only allowed claim was suggested by the Examiner)

1. An absorbent pad.  (Application 20070074426. This application is still pending, now being prosecuted by an attorney who canceled all of the original claims and submitted a new set of claims).

29. A specific method of or process for doing public key cryptography over an open systems networking architecture in a totally cryptographically secure manner meant for safeguarding multi-million dollar digital masters which open systems network architecture includes existing prior art components integrates into a specific new invention system process of or methods patent of public key cryptography comprising of the steps of: providing of prior art, a tamper-resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (TNV-EEPROM) which can be in an external dedicated chip and also in an on-chip micro-controller design, which is used to hold embedded, brief in length, cryptographic computer programs, cryptographic system keys with first example cryptographic keys being family keys or shared secret keys, second example cryptographic keys being cryptographic private keys, third example cryptographic keys being secret keys, fourth example cryptographic keys being session keys, and fifth example cryptographic keys being cryptographic public keys, providing of prior art, an electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) which can come in a larger dedicated chip and also in an on-chip micro-controller design, used to hold, non-secure, computer programs (firmware) which are usually stored on separate and dedicated EEPROM memory chips which are connected to the digital computer processor through an input-output (I/O) bus with an on-processor instruction cache usually made of two layers: a L1 cache of faster, static RAM, and a L2 cache of very fast, associative memory or on-chip banked registers used to locally hold pages of operational codes (op codes) for fast execution, providing of prior art, a static random access memory (SRAM) which can come in a larger dedicated chip and also in an on-chip micro-controller design with an on-chip input-output (I/O) bus with SRAM preferred over DRAM on-chip for faster speed and no need of a memory refresh cycle at the cost of one-fourth less bit density, for faster temporary storage of dynamic data which is usually in the form of separate and dedicated SRAM memory chips which are connected to the digital computer processor through an input-output (I/O) bus with an on-processor data cache of one or more levels (L1 cache being SRAM and L2 cache being associative memory or registers) used to locally hold pages of dynamic computer data for fast data cache access, providing of prior art, a dynamic random access memory (DRAM) which can come in a larger dedicated chip and also in an on-chip micro-controller design using an on-chip input-output (I/O) bus with on-chip SRAM preferred over DRAM in micro-controllers for faster speed and no memory refresh cycle, with the latest example of fast DRAM being duo-data rate, synchronous, dynamic random access memory (DDR-SDRAM) which can hold either operational codes (for non-firmware based computer programs) or dynamic data (especially large arrays and large chunks of data such as video ‘frame buffers’), with the DRAM being an acknowledged bottle-neck on the central processor unit (CPU) bus with another greater bottle-neck being the transfer of digital data over the peripheral device or input-output (I/O) bus and its much slower often electromechanical input-output (I/O) devices, providing of prior art, a low-cost, low-throughput, cryptographic embedded micro-controller (c-uCtlr) with scalar control operations, slow fixed-point arithmetic processing, and very slow, floating point interpreter based floating point processing (lacking a hardware floating point unit (FPU)), as used in a prior art, 8-bit, single chip solution, micro-controller based, smart card as widely used in Europe for over twenty years with universal success over-coming in all forms of human abuse and adverse weather conditions, with said tamper resistant non-volatile memory, random access memory (TNV-EEPROM), holding both cryptographic keys and very limited amounts of embedded secure cryptographic algorithm firmware for the entirely on-chip execution of cryptographic algorithms (secret key encryption-decryption, public key encryption-decryption, message digest ciphers (MDC’s), message authentication ciphers (MAC’s)), furthermore, possessing an on-chip input-output (I/O) bus in a micro-controller architecture with on-chip limited, static random access memory (SRAM) for fast dynamic data storage, and on-chip limited electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM) for computer firmware program storage, furthermore, possessing a wiretapable (‘red’) smart card serial data bus to the external world which is used for initial unique customer access code communications from a digital computer into the smart card to activate it, and then is subsequently used for reverse direction communications of internal smart card secure memory values representing cash to debit and also accounting access counts used in pass-thru encryption to transfer encrypted (‘cipher-text’) data from the cryptographic micro-processor (c-uP) inside the smart card to a smart card reader and pass-by processing proceeding to a digital computer which must do pass-thru decryption and pass-thru encryption for the return closed feed-back response communications exchange of possibly debited monetary values or incremented access counts needing secure storage in the smart card, providing of prior art, the smart card used for media ticket applications containing tamper resistant, non-volatile memory (TNV-EEPROM) for key storage as part of cryptographic embedded micro-processors (c-uP’s), providing of prior art, serial data computer communications interfaces such as a personal computer (PC) based, serial bus connected (e.g. Universal Serial Bus or USB bus, and the faster and longer distance but more expensive, IEEE 1394 serial bus (‘Fire wire bus’)), used to connect a personal computer (PC) to a digitized human fingerprint reader and for other computer peripheral purposes, providing of prior art, a smart card reader means involving several invention processes which simply reads the customer inserted smart card’s pass-thru encrypted data and passes it over wiretapable (‘red’) buses to the digital computer, furthermore, a first example form of smart card reader means has physical metallic contacts with a power pin used to re-charge any smart card internal battery from an additional AC power line going into the smart card reader and suitable voltage conversion and regulation electronics, furthermore, a second example smart card reader means is a popular class of prior art, smart cards which have an optical interface which lacks any form of smart card battery re-charging capability but has improved durability, a third example smart card reader is a prior art, integrated smart card reader with bio-identification (bio-ID) digitized fingerprint reader, furthermore, the smart card reader is a dumb and inexpensive computer serial data bus device with a first example serial communications interface being a prior art, serial data bus given as a universal serial bus (USB) providing maximum 3.0 Mega bits/second data transfer over a maximum 4.0 feet distance, which has no local area networking (LAN) interfaces which must be provided by the attached digital computer, a second example serial communications interface being a prior art, IEEE 1394 (‘Fire wire’) serial data bus which transfers a maximum of 10.0 Mega bits/second at a distance of up to a maximum of 10.0 feet, providing of prior art, biological-identification (bio-ID) reader means which attach to personal computers (PC’s) using a low-cost serial data bus such as a universal serial data bus (USB bus) with a first example bio-ID reader means being a smart card reader with piggy-backed, integrated, digitized fingerprint, bio-identification (bio-ID) reader for very customer convenient use, with an example customer use of a low security and unattended by a ‘warm-blooded’ authorized gate-keeper, bio-ID means of ‘warm-blooded’ index finger insertion into a digitized fingerprint reader and smart card insertion at the same time, a second example bio-ID reader means is a prior art, smart card reader with external AC power supply and power conversion and regulation transformers along with a piggy-backed ‘warm-blooded’ iris scan reader digital video-camera electronics which said iris scan reader is attached by IEEE 1394 (‘Fire wire’) digital cable to a digital video camera, providing of prior art, an internet protocol (IP), wide area network (IP WAN), providing of prior art, a world wide web server (WWW) or web or graphics rich portion of the Internet web server computer, providing of prior art, a personal computer (PC), which is non-cryptographically secure, providing of prior art, a personal computer (PC) web client, providing of prior art, a personal computer (PC) peripherals, providing of prior art, a data entry devices of an on-board protected electronic device, toggle field with a prior art liquid crystal display (LCD) for entry of the unique customer passphrase with closely corresponding passcode entry, providing of prior art, a data entry device of computer keyboards used for unique customer password, and passphrase-passcode entry with wiretapable (‘red bus’) computer keyboard buses vulnerable to the known prior art, hacker tools of both software and hardware based keyboard capture buffers, providing of prior art, a banked-EEPROM card reader-writer connected by a prior art, serial bus connected with first example serial bus being the Universal Serial Bus (R)(USB bus) connected banked non-volatile memory chip card reader-writer serial bus interface unit to an electronic device, with first example banked non-volatile memory chip card unit which inserts into the reader being a banked, electrically erasable programmable read only memory (banked-EEPROM) card unit (e.g. Sans Disk (R) card, or SD (R) card), and second example banked non-volatile memory chip card unit being a single, large chip tamper-resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (TNV-EEPROM) (e.g. Memory Stick (R) chip), providing of prior art, a personal computer’s (PC’s) peripheral data storage devices such as hard disk drives (HDD’s), compact disk (CD) record once (CD-R (R)) drives, compact disk read-write (CD-RW (R)) drives which all offer ‘backwards compatible’ CD media which can be used in read-only modes compatible with older, existing read-only CD drives (CD), also writable digital versatile disk (DVD) drives (e.g. DVD+RW (R), DVD-RW (R), DVD-RAM (R) which all offer ‘backwards compatible’ media which can be used in read-only modes compatible with older, existing read-only DVD drives (DVD-ROM), providing of prior art, a personal computer’s (PC’s) based peripheral data storage media units (e.g. back-up devices, video devices, fast floppy drives (e.g. Iomega (R) Zip (R) drives), removable hard disk drives (removable HDD) (e.g. Iomega Jazz (R) drives)), providing of prior art, a cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means designed for low-cost, very fast digital processing of fixed-point number array or arrays of fixed radix numbers having limited necessary precision typically less than 32-bits arranged in matrix arrays (32-bit integers with an assumed radix point which cannot move with a default assumed decimal point which cannot move) as popularly used in the Texas Instruments (TI) TMS-320 DSP and also the AT&T DSP-1, with major DSP features being an accumulator based design with arithmetic operation over-flow handling, no-overflow registers, pipelined design to DRAM connected over a central processor unit bus, constants held in registers for an ith round update to the (i+1)th round or fast iteration processing, and programming-time, programmable firmware libraries supporting flexible digital signal processing for different applications, furthermore, giving fast scalar control processing without a need for floating point operation re-normalization based upon exponents, with a floating point interpreter for limited floating point operations involving floating point number formats with exponents, furthermore, also having additional silicon compiler designed components of embedded tamper resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read only memory (TNV-EEPROM) with a first example cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means being a standard DSP combined with the silicon compiler functions of the prior art, US National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST’s) Clipper chip, which is the Skipjack algorithm implemented in a silicon compiler with tamper resistant non-volatile memroy (TNV-EEPROM), sub-circuit, single integrated circuit (‘single chip IC solution’) design giving stream cipher and block cipher encryption and decryption functions (additionally used in the prior art, Capstone program using a plug-in PC card (R) format once called PCMCIA having an embedded Clipper ASIC chip comparable to a prior art smart card program), which were both programs and standards were based upon the dedicated, custom designed ASIC, hardware integrated circuit (IC) implementation of the National Security Agency (NSA) developed, classified Clipper chip implementing the Skipjack secret key algorithm with on-chip tamper resistant non-volatile memory (TNV-EEPROM), second example cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means being standard digital signal processing (DSP) functions combined with silicon compiler functions implementing the Chandra patent (U.S. Pat. No. 4,817,140 issued on Mar. 28, 1989 and assigned to IBM Corporation), and third example cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means being numerous other US Patents and also public art, non-patented technical literature, providing of prior art, a cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means intended for very fast processing of large fixed-point arrays of fixed-point or fixed radix numbers as shown in the prior art, Texas Instruments (TI) TMS-320 DSP and also the AT&T DSP-1, additionally containing a cryptographic hardware secret key algorithm sub-processor, tamper resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read only memory (TNV-EEPROM), random access memory (RAM), analog to digital signal converters (ADC), moving picture electronics group standards X (MPEG X) hardware decompression only circuitry for digital audio/video, digital audio/video signal artificial degradation circuitry, digital to analog signal converters, and digital signal processing of digital audio/video signals circuitry, providing of new art, cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means designed for low-cost, very fast, digital processing of fixed-point number arrays as shown in the prior art, popularly used, Texas Instruments TMS-320 DSP and also the AT&T DSP-1, furthermore, having additional silicon compiler designed components adding embedded tamper resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read only memory (TNV-EEPROM) for secure cryptographic key storage, along with both tamper resistant to pin-probers, and cryptographically protected on-chip, firmware implemented new art, byte-oriented, secret key algorithm based secret key encryption and decryption for both stream oriented and block oriented encryption and decryption processes, with on-chip hardware and firmware library support for both secret key and public key algorithms such as an electronic true random number generator, an on-chip hardware floating point unit (FPU) for processing large blocks of secret key encrypted and decrypted data using newer y. 2003 firmware based, byte oriented, secret key algorithms such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), an extremely large integer to an extremely large integer exponentiation unit using the binary square and multiply method commonly used in public key cryptography, with additional on-chip silicon compiler designed hardware support for digital decompression (read-only) algorithms, with additional on-chip silicon compiler support for digital compression algorithms, with additional on-chip silicon compiler support for forward error detection and correction coding (e.g. Reed-Solomon or RS coding) done in the encoding process sequential order of digitally compress, encrypt, error detect and correct, with decoding done in the exact opposite sequential process order, with a first example C-DSP means being discussed broadly in the present inventor’s present patent’s technical material which is not subject to this present over-all system’s or methods patent application which uses such a device as a provided hardware component, providing of a new art, programmable gate array logic (GAL) form of high density, application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) with embedded cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means functions as mentioned in the paragraph just above, providing of new art, a cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means designed for very fast execution of fixed-point number arrays such as the popular Texas Instruments TMS-320 and also the AT&T DSP-1, furthermore, having additional silicon compiler based embedded, prior art, cryptographic hardware secret key algorithm sub-processors based upon prior art, standardized, secret key algorithms with an example algorithm being given as IBM’s patented Data Encryption Standard (DES), with on-chip firmware support, an on-chip hardware floating point unit (FPU) for processing large blocks of secret key encrypted and decrypted data using newer y. 2003 firmware based, byte oriented, secret key algorithms such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), an extremely large integer to an extremely large integer exponentiation unit using the binary square and multiply method commonly used in public key cryptography, with additional on-chip silicon compiler designed hardware support for digital decompression (decoding only or play-back only) algorithms, with additional on-chip silicon compiler support for digital compression algorithms, with additional on-chip silicon compiler support for forward error detection and correction coding (e.g. Reed-Solomon or RS coding) done in the encoding process sequential order of digitally compress, encrypt, and error detect and correct, with decoding done in the exact opposite sequential process order, which in turn are silicon compiler design embedded hardware sub-units inside of said prior art, cryptographic digital signal processors (C-DSP’s), providing of prior art, a cryptographic micro-processor (c-uP) or a central processing unit (CPU) such as an Intel Pentium (R) CPU with a control unit, and also with an integrated fast, hardware, floating point unit (FPU), integrated memory management unit (MMU), integrated instruction and data cache unit, integrated bus interface unit (BIU), and additional proposed subset functionality of a C-DSP means including integrated tamper resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read only memory (TNV-EEPROM), all on a single chip, which has impedance monitored intermetallic deposition layers protecting the entire chip from illegal pin probers used by hackers targeting the on-chip architecture including the protected (‘black’) on-chip buses, and also for protecting the entire chip from wiretapping pin probers used to illegally read cryptographic keys stored on the on-chip said embedded, tamper resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read only memory (TNV-EEPROM), with the main anti-tamper means being the automatic on-chip erasure of cryptographic memory (TNV-EEPROM) holding all cryptographic keys upon the fully automatic detection of any signs of chip tampering, providing of new art, a cryptographic computing based unit (C-CPU) also having a subset of cryptographic digital signal processing (C-DSP) means having much more on-chip, hardware, floating point (FPU) throughput capacity than the C-DSP chip and a more powerful memory management unit (MMU) capability, while having subset security functionality as the cryptographic digital signal processor unit (C-DSP) means being on-chip tamper resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (TNV-EEPROM) or cryptographic memory for both cryptographic key storage and cryptographic algorithm firmware storage, automatic on-chip impedance monitoring of a whole chip inter-metallic layer with automatic erasure of cryptographic memory upon tamper detection, silicon compiler library designed on-chip functions with automatic placement and routing, on-chip support for read-only commercial players using an embedded C-CPU of a tamper protected, error detection or correction unit (e.g. Reed-Solomon unit), on chip support for read-only commercial players using an embedded C-CPU of a tamper protected (‘black unit’), embedded, secret key decryption sub-unit which supports both dedicated hardware and dedicated firmware secret key decryption of play-back mode only, uniquely secret key encrypted, commercial media, on-chip tamper protected digital de-compression only support in play-back only mode for standard form digital media (e.g. MP3 being discrete cosine transform (DCT) based, MPEG X being discrete cosine transform (DCT) based, fast wavelet transform (FWT) audio-video being convolutional coding based, JPEG being discrete cosine transform (DCT) based, JPEG 2000 being fast wavelet transform (FWT) or convolutional coding based, Fraunhoeffer Instititute fast wavelet transform (FWT) audio (R ) convolutional coding, AAC (R) brand convolutional coding) widely used in commercial media players, with more general bi-directional use in crypto-cell phones and crypto-hand-held computers for similar on-chip support respecting relevant process sequential orders being digitally compress media, encrypt media, error detection and correction bits added, which must be undone in cryptography in the exact reverse sequential order, for the hardware and firmware based encryption and decryption of digital media data, but, without current on-chip support for encrypted operation codes (c-op codes) usable in the future for cryptographic computer programs and cryptographic multi-media programs, with a first example C-CPU means being discussed in the present inventor’s present invention, providing of new art, a non-cryptographic media player (MP) based upon prior art, non-cryptographic digital signal processor (DSP) means with starting functionality of the popular Texas Instruments TMS-320 DSP, constructed with serial bus connections to customer insertable and removable prior art, smart card reader-writer unit interfaces, and a read-only drive unit for standard physical format, digital media which is very similar in computer architecture to prior art, electronic-book readers which have a built-in, very small, liquid crystal display (LCD), and are similar in physical form to non-cryptographic compact disk players, providing of new art, a cryptographic media player (c-MP) constructed with said, prior art, cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means having serial bus connections to customer insertable and removable prior art, smart card reader-writer unit interfaces, and also having a read-only drive unit for standard media with first example, read-only, media means being compact disk record once (CD-R), second example read-only media means being compact disk compact disk read-write (CD-RW), and third example read-only media means being banked non-volatile memory card (banked EEPROM), and fourth example read-only media means being digital versatile disk record once (DVD-R), providing of new art, a cryptographic personal computer (c-PC) which is created by using new art, said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means based plug-in, peripheral or contention bus or input-output bus (I/O bus) cards for prior art, personal computers (PC’s), with the peripheral bus giving an interface to the motherboard’s said cryptographic central processing unit (C-CPU) which in turn has a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface to a USB based smart card reader, providing of new art, a cryptographic personal computer (c-PC) having a subset functionality of C-DSP means, which is created by using a prior art, standard off-the shelf personal computer (PC) design with a cryptographic central processing unit (C-CPU) with the goal of creating an internal secure bus hardware or ‘black bus’ computer architecture system also having insecure hardware bus or ‘red bus’ or open wiretapable buses, which furthermore requires a new art, cryptographic operating system (C-OS), providing of new art, a cryptographic media player (c-MP) for playing back custom secret key encrypted, compressed digital, audio-video in standard format with first example compressed digital audio-video being given as prior art, Moving Picture Electronics Group Standards X (MPEG X) and second example compressed digital audio-video being given as prior art, fast wavelet audio-video digital compression also called convolutional coding, furthermore, said player contains embedded, cryptographic computing units (C-CPU’s) with serial bus interfaces to built-in, prior art, smart card reader units, and also having built-in, prior art, input/output (I/O) peripheral bus connected, computer industry standard, peripheral data storage drives in first example drive being a compact disk read only (CD) drive which reads compact disk record once format (CD-R), providing of new art, a universal cryptographic set-top box form of media players (c-MP’s) for playing back custom secret key encrypted, high definition television (HDTV) broadcasts and standard definition television (SDTV) broadcasts, as well as for playing custom secret key encrypted, cable channel programming, as well as for playing custom secret key encrypted satellite television programming which are based upon a more powerful, cryptographic media player computer architecture (c-MP), providing of new art, a cryptographic micro-mirror module (c-MMM)-commercial theater projection-theater sound units which are special cryptographic media players which use prior art, more than one drive, digital versatile disk read only (DVD) drive units which also read digital versatile disk record (DVD-X) formats, furthermore, the DVD-X disks contain custom encrypted compressed digital media which can be decrypted only with a corresponding, unique, smart card programmed in a prior art, standard, personal computer (PC) over the wiretapable (‘red bus’) Internet as a special media ticket smart card using the methods of the present inventor’s patent, providing of prior art, a modified secure operating system (secure-OS) for world wide web (WWW) server computers which will custom customer session key encrypt a vendor secret key encrypted digital master, and electronically distribute custom, encrypted digital media masters, using firewalls, using anti-viral software updated weekly, using network protocol converters, using standard layered security methods, and using ‘inner sanctum’ protection for vendor session key or one-time secret key encrypted digital media masters, providing of prior art, a world wide web (WWW) transmission control protocol-internet protocol (TCP-IP) command protocol stack program for Internet connectivity, providing of prior art, standard, a plurality of cryptographic mathematics algorithms, providing of prior art, a plurality of public key cryptography algorithms which create public keys and private keys, providing of prior art, a plurality of secret key cryptography algorithms which create secret keys and session keys (1-time secret keys) and also play counts or access counts or media decryption counts and play codes (session keys or 1-time secret keys), providing of prior art, a plurality of hybrid key cryptography algorithms which are combined public key and private key cryptography algorithms (prior art), providing of prior art, a plurality of private key and secret key splitting algorithms, providing of prior art, a plurality of private key and secret key escrow techniques, providing of prior art, a plurality of algorithms used to generate: cryptographic keys which are the collective public keys, private keys, secret keys, session keys (1-time use only secret keys), play counts, play codes, passphrases-passcodes, providing of prior art, a plurality of computer cryptography protocols, providing of prior art, a plurality of pass-thru encryption algorithms for transmitting secure data over wiretapable computer buses (‘red buses’), providing of prior art, standardized form, a plurality of lossy compressed digital media algorithms with first example algorithm being given as MPEG X (R) based upon a SVGA (R) video format and also newer UXGA (R) higher resolution video formats, second example algorithm being given as MP3 (R) based upon pulse code modulated (PCM’s) audio sound only, third example algorithm being given as JPEG X (R) for still color photography only with JPEG being discrete cosine transform (DCT) based and JPEG 2000 being fast wavelet transform (FWT) compression based, fourth example algorithm being given as fast wavelet transform (FWT) audio-video, fifth example algorithm being given as proprietary Advanced Audio CODEC (R) (AAC (R)) using a FWT algorithm variant, sixth example algorithm being given as Fraunhoeffer Institute fast wavelet transform (FWT) audio (R ) who are the original international patentees for convolutional coding based lossy digital compression, providing of prior art, a transmissions control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) for Internet connectivity, providing of prior art, a secure internet protocol layer (secure IP layer) layer of Internet data encryption, providing of prior art, a secure sockets layer (SSL) layer of Internet data encryption, providing of prior art, a plurality of world wide web (WWW) server standard interchange file language with first example protocol being hyper-text mark-up language (HTML), second example protocol being extensible business mark-up language (XBML or XML), and third example protocol being generalized-text mark-up language (GTML), providing of a plurality of world wide web (WWW) client standard interchange file languages with first example being hyper-text mark-up language (HTML), generating of a set of common system keys which is the process done by the media ticket smart card system authority’s, party S’s, dedicated public key generation authority, party G, using provided prior art said public key and secret key cryptography algorithms to generate system cryptographic keys, while having absolutely no access to any vendor identifications, furthermore, the sub-process of embedding of generated said common system keys into each and every provided, cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means, furthermore, embedding said common system keys into each and every provided smart card, generating of a set of unique per vendor, commonly distributed only in provided tamper resistant hardware, media distribution vendor cryptographic keys eventually used in a prior art, provided cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means involving several processes with a first example prior art, provided cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means being the US National Institute for Standards and Technology’s Clipper-Capstone chip with embedded tamper resistant non-volatile electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (TNV-EEPROM), and a second example provided, cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means being a prior art, digital signal processor having a silicon compiler designed equivalent of the former’s functions (C-DSP) means with added silicon compiler functions for prior art algorithm means for subsequent customer uses of digital signal compression audio-video digital compression means involving several processes and components with first example audio-video digital compression means involving several processes being given as prior art, Moving Picture Electronics Group standards X (MPEG X), second example audio-video digital compression means being given as prior art, fast wavelet audio-video compression or convolutional coding compression, third example audio only digital compression means being given as prior art, MPEG I audio layer 3 (MP3), and fourth example audio only digital compression means being given as prior art, fast wavelet audio only compression (AAC (R)), furthermore, with subsequent customer uses of a prior art, pass-thru encryption means involving several processes and components which are used to transfer said unique customer cryptographic keys over wiretapable or open computer buses (‘red buses’) with a first example pass-thru encryption means given as common, family key, secret key encryption, a second example pass-thru encryption means given as common family key encryption of an index to the unique active vendor which references a pre-embedded, common look-up table of unique vendor public keys followed by the relevant vendor public key encrypted data which is received on the other end of the computer bus by family key decryption of the vendor index to the same pre-embedded, common look-up table of unique vendor public keys followed by relevant vendor private key decryption of the received data block, and a third example pass-thru encryption means being a family key encryption of an index to the unique active vendor which references a pre-embedded, common look-up table of unique vendor secret keys followed by the relevant vendor secret key encrypted data which is received on the other end of the computer bus by family key decryption of the vendor index to the same pre-embedded, common look-up table of unique vendor secret keys followed by relevant vendor secret key decryption, for eventual manufacturing into a cryptographic media player, which is the process done by the media ticket smart card system authority’s, party S’s, dedicated public key generation authority, party G, using prior art algorithms for both public key and secret key cryptography to generate a unique set of vendor cryptographic keys, while having absolutely no access to any vendor identifications, furthermore, the sub-process of embedding in entirety, said unique set of vendor cryptographic keys in an organizational table form means involving several processes with first example organizational table form means being a unique vendor system key table which is indexed by a vendor identification number, furthermore, said organizational table form means is semi-conductor foundry factory embedded into each and every cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means, while specific vendor private keys and vendor secret keys including a minimum count of one vendor key of the private key of vendor party X, are factory time embedded into each and every one of vendor party X’s eventually distributed media ticket smart cards inside of its embedded cryptographic micro-processor (C-uP) for use in a pass-thru encryption means of several example pass-thru encryption means as explained in a separate process, generating of a unique media ticket smart card cryptographic key set or also known as a unique customer party cryptography key set, which is the process done by the media ticket smart card system authority’s, party S’s, dedicated public key generation authority, party G, using provided, prior art algorithms for both public key and secret key cryptography to generate unique customer cryptographic keys, while having absolutely no access to customer identifications, furthermore, the sub-process of embedding into a provided, single said unique media ticket smart card with an embedded cryptographic micro-processor (c-uP), a unique customer party Y’s cryptographic key into party Y’s eventually distributed said media ticket smart card with its said embedded cryptographic micro-processor (C-uP), distributing of provided, said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means, furthermore, the distributing of said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means is based upon the process done by the media ticket smart card system authority’s, party S’s, dedicated public key distribution authority, party D, distributing cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means to individual media distribution vendors for manufacturing into vendor Z cryptographic media players while having absolutely no access to whole cryptographic keys and having unique vendor party Z access to only his own unique vendor secret key Z and unique vendor private key Z with its unique, matching public key Z, distributing of the provided, factory cryptographically programmed, said media ticket smart cards which is the process done by the media ticket smart card system authority’s, party S’s, dedicated public key distribution authority, party D, distributing media ticket smart cards to media distribution vendors for selling to customers while having absolutely no access to whole cryptographic keys, escrowing of the split cryptographic keys which is the process done by the central public key generation authority, party G, safe-guarding the split cryptographic customer keys, and split cryptographic vendor keys in an entirely-secure and confidential manner for achievement of legal means involving several processes, with a first example legal means being simple customer identification and lost cryptographic key recovery, a second example legal means being court ordered only, disputed ownership cryptographic key recovery, and a third example legal means being court ordered only cryptographic key recovery use by law enforcement, layering for a federated cryptography architecture which is the process done by the media ticket smart card system authority, party S, creating a federated architecture of cryptographic authority with 3-layers, a central layer composed of the media ticket smart card system authority, a local layer composed of authorized media distribution companies labeled as parties Vn, and a user layer composed of customers, preparing of a unique play code and a unique play count which is the process done by the authorized digital media distribution company, party Vn, preparing said unique play code (a session key or one-time use secret key), and said unique play counts (a paid for number of plays or count of free trial plays), and preparing of the custom encrypted digital media for downloading to each customer, downloading to customer, party A, at a private dwelling, prior art, insecure (‘red bus’), personal computer (PC) which is the process done by the authorized digital media distribution vendor, party Vn, using hybrid key cryptographing steps of hybrid key cryptographic digital media distribution from a central media distribution authority hosted on a prior art, provided, world wide web (WWW) server over the global Internet to multiple prior art, provided, personal computer (PC) based web clients, one of whom is customer party A, of encrypted play codes (one-time secret keys or session keys) with header and encrypted play counts (paid for counts of plays or decryptions, or else counts of free trial plays) with header for deposit into said factory cryptographically programmed, prior art, provided, media ticket smart cards attached to prior art, provided, personal computer (PC based) media ticket smart card readers, and one-way transfer of custom session key or one-time use only secret-key encrypted pre-unique vendor secret key encrypted digital media for deposit into physical digital media inserted into media drives attached to prior art, provided, customer personal computers (PC’s), delivering by foot which is the process done by the customer, party A, of physically transferring both physical custom encrypted digital media and the customer, party A’s, programmed media ticket smart cards from the customer’s, party A’s, prior art, provided, personal computer (PC) to any person’s said cryptographic media player with its embedded said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means, also with a built-in media ticket smart card reader, encrypting in a pass-thru manner for media ticket smart card upload to a prior art, provided, cryptographic media player means with its embedded, provided said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means using pass-thru encrypting means involving several processes and components for transferring any type of digital data securely from originating said media ticket smart card up to answering said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means, with a first example pass-thru encrypting means being said common family key or shared secret key encryption which is known to be vulnerable to a single point of attack, a second example pass-thru encrypting means being originate vendor, unique, vendor private key digital signaturing to ‘signatured-text (not encrypted text thus readable by any party)’ followed by answering vendor, unique, vendor public key digital public key encryption to ‘cipher-text (encrypted text)’ using said pre-embedded, common look-up table of unique vendor public key and matching private keys with organizational means involving several processes and components such as first organizational means being a row, column table indexed by a vendor identification number, a third example pass-thru encrypting means being originate vendor, unique, vendor secret key encryption to ‘cipher-text (encrypted text which combines signaturing)’ using said pre-embedded common look-up table of unique vendor secret keys with organizational means involving several processes and components with first organizational means being a row, column table indexed by a vendor identification number, encrypting in a pass-thru return manner for said cryptographic media player’s prior art, provided, embedded said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means download to said media ticket smart card using pass-thru encrypting return means involving several processes and components for transferring any type of digital data securely from said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means to said media ticket smart card with a first example pass-thru encrypting return means being common family key or shared secret key encryption which is known vulnerable to a single point of failure, second example pass-thru encrypting return means being answer vendor unique private key digital signaturing to ‘signatured-text (non-encrypted thus readable by any party)’ followed by originate vendor unique public key encryption to ‘cipher-text (encrypted text)’ using said pre-embedded, common look-up table of unique vendor public key and matching private keys with organizational means involving several processes and components such as first organizational means being the row, column table indexed by a vendor identification number, a third example pass-thru encrypting return means being answer vendor unique secret key encryption to ‘cipher-text (encrypted text which combines signaturing)’ using said pre-embedded common look-up table of unique vendor secret keys with organizational means involving several processes and components with first organizational means being the row, column table indexed by a vendor identification number, initializing before playing which is the process done by the customer, party A, of preparing any party’s cryptographic media player with its prior art, provided, embedded said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means by inserting his own unique custom encrypted digital media, and also by inserting his own unique media ticket smart card, identifying of high security applications in need of a high degree of authentication of the customer where high security needs are more important than customer extra time and effort, authenticating by customer triangle authentication which is the process done by new art, provided, said cryptographic media player with its prior art, provided, embedded said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means which process step may be skipped for low security only when customer time and effort is of the essence, transferring of the cryptographic keys from the prior art, provided, said media ticket smart card to new art, provided, said cryptographic media player having its prior art, provided, embedded said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means by said pass-thru encrypting means of the unique customer cryptographic keys over wiretapable or open computer buses (‘red buses’) which is the process done by the cryptographic media player to receive encrypted play codes with header and encrypted play counts with header from the media ticket smart card n which are pass-thru encrypted by the several pass-thru encryption means involving several processes and components for transfer over wiretapable computer buses (‘red buses’) to the player’s own cryptographic memory (TNV-EEPROM) for access by its cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means, with said first example pass-thru encryption means being the common family key encryption vulnerable to a single point of attack, a said second example pass-thru encryption means being the pre-embedded, common, look-up table of vendor private keys and matched public keys which uses a family key encrypted, common table index for efficient active table entry access, a said third means of pass-thru encryption being the unique vendor secret key encryption with use of a common, look-up table of vendor secret keys which uses a family key encrypted, common table index or vendor ID number for efficient active table entry access, transferring of the cryptographic keys away from new art, provided, said cryptographic media player having its embedded said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means to said media ticket smart card by pass-thru encrypting return means of the unique customer cryptographic keys over wiretapable or open computer buses (‘red buses’) which is the process done by the cryptographic media player which are pass-thru encrypted by the several pass-thru encryption means for transmit using it’s cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means, the encrypted play codes with header and encrypted play counts with header both with cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means incremented sequence counts (to avoid recorded replay attacks without the use of synchronized digital clocks) to the media ticket smart card A transferred over wiretapable computer buses, with said first example pass-thru encryption means being the common family key encryption vulnerable to a single point of attack, a said second example pass-thru encryption means being the pre-embedded, common, look-up table of vendor private keys and matched public keys which uses a family key encrypted, common table index for efficient active table entry access, a said third means of pass-thru encryption being the unique vendor secret key encryption with use of a common, look-up table of vendor secret keys which uses a family key encrypted, common table index or vendor ID number for efficient active table entry access, authenticating using media triangle authentication which is the process of matching the unique digital media with its matching unique play code by the method done by said cryptographic media player’s embedded said cryptographic digital signal processor doing digital media triangle authentication using sample reads of test data with successful decryption, cryptographing using hybrid key cryptography which is the process done by new art, provided said cryptographic media player’s embedded said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means using hybrid key cryptography which is the process of using hybrid key cryptography which uses public key cryptography to authenticate remote parties, do digital signatures to authenticate digital media and establish media integrity with a remote party, and encrypt one-time secret keys known as session keys (ssk-n), used for only one session, which said session keys are sent to a remote party who decrypts them for storage in his own tamper resistant, non-volatile memory (TNV-EEPROM) embedded on his black, cryptographic digital signal processing (C-DSP) means with a first example means of the prior art cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP), and a second example means of a cryptographic central processing unit (C-CPU), which said session keys may be later stored in tamper resistant non-volatile memory (TNV-EEPROM) embedded in a media ticket smart card where they are referred to as play codes with paid for and authorized play counts, accounting by provided said cryptographic media player’s embedded, said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means which is the process done using hybrid key cryptography digital media playing of one-way transfer of custom session key encrypted digital media owned by party n in a controlled access manner mostly for financial accounting purposes which uses the play codes (session key or one-time secret key) and play counts (paid for number of plays or count of free trial plays) contained in media ticket smart cards, playing by provided, said cryptographic media player having its embedded, provided, said cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means which is the process done using hybrid key cryptography which is the process of using hybrid key cryptography to do digital media playing in a controlled access manner using play codes (session key or one-time secret keys) and play counts (now contained within registers in the cryptographic digital signal processor (C-DSP) means and also the hardware secret key double decryption directly used upon the custom encrypted, one-way transfer of custom session key encrypted digital media which is pre-unique vendor secret key encrypted, using first the unique customer session key decryption and then the unique vendor secret key decryption with sequence number checks for countering recorded replay attacks, escrowing retrieval of lost, stolen, or disputed ownership media ticket smart cards which is the process done by the customer, party n, which collection of processes of or methods of invention sets systems standards and integrates components into a system which can be used in the future for new forms of internationally standardized cryptography sanctioned by industry trade groups such as the Recording Industry Association of America’s (RIAA’s) Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI), the National Association of Broadcaster’s (NAB’s) Secure Digital Broadcast Group (SDBG), and also national standards agencies such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), or international telegraphy union (ITU), whereby the present invention creates several processes for doing unique, customer custom session key or one-time secret key encrypted copies of initially unique, vendor secret key encrypted, digital media distribution over the prior art, insecure (‘red bus’) Internet using secure, World Wide Web (WWW) (‘black’) servers involving the cryptographically secure transfer (‘download’) from Web server to customer prior art, personal computers (PC’s) over insecure (‘red bus’) Internet connection lines, of custom encrypted, digital media to prior art, standard form recordable media, and also custom decryption cryptographic keys (‘play codes’) and custom pre-programmed accounting counts (‘play counts’) for deposit onto prior art, smart cards called media ticket smart cards, whereby the present invention creates several processes for securely physically transferring (‘footprint download’) of both said custom, encrypted digital media on standard form recordable media along with the customer’s universal media ticket smart card for all vendors and all digital media to said cryptographic media players having embedded pre-programmed prior art, said cryptographic digital signal processors (C-DSP’s) for media playing which are universally and uniquely, pre-programmed for every authorized vendor participating in the system, and can also accept any authorized, unique customer’s smart card which must have relevant play codes and play counts for upload and use which are both uniquely matched to the authorized custom encrypted digital media inserted for playing, whereby the present invention allows using several of the above systems processes in safeguarding multi-million dollar digital masters released by vendors through World Wide Web (WWW) distribution. (Application 20050195975, Abandoned — Failure to Respond to an Office Action)

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Prioritätsfalle 35 USC 102 (d)

Ein leider oft übersehener Unterschied zwischen amerikanischem und deutschem Patentrecht besteht in 35 U.S.C. 102 (d).  Danach kann ein Patent in den USA dann nicht erteilt werden, wenn für die selbe Erfindung bereits ein Patent außerhalb der USA erteilt wurde, dessen Anmeldung mehr als 12 Monate zurückliegt.  Für Geschmacksmuster (Design Patents) gilt prinzipiell die selbe Regelung mit einer Frist von 6 Monaten.  In meiner Praxis wird dies gerade deutschen Anmeldern zum Verhängnis, wenn frühzeitig ein Gebrauchsmuster angemeldet, danach aber die Prioritätsfrist in den USA verpasst wurde.  Das Gebrauchsmuster ist spätestens ab Veröffentlichung rechtswirksam, und kann für eine Zurückweisung der US Patentanmeldung nach 35 U.S.C. 102 (d) verwendet werden.  Maßgeblich für die Ausschlußfrist ist damit aber nicht das Datum der Veröffentlichung, sondern der Anmeldung des Gebrauchsmusters.  Und anders als in Europa muss die Existenz des Gebrauchsmusters (wie alle anderen für die Patentierbarkeit der Anmeldung relevanten Fakten) dem USPTO offenbart werden.

Deutschen Anmeldern kann daher nur nahe gelegt werden, eine US Patentanmeldung innerhalb der Prioritätsfrist anzumelden, d.h. innerhalb von 12 Monaten ab der frühesten Anmeldung außerhalb der USA bei Patentanmeldungen und Gebrauchsmustern und innerhalb von 6 Monaten ab Anmeldung eines Geschmacksmusters.  Nur so kann die 102 (d) Falle sicher umgangen werden.  Eine PCT-Anmeldung gilt dabei  als Anmeldung in den USA.


Vorsicht vor Abmahn-Trollen

Zurecht beklagen sich viele in Deutschland über mißbräuchliche Abmahnungen, die einzig als Einnahmequelle spezialisierter Massenabmahner dienen.  Mit Blick auf die USA hat das deutsche Abmahnwesen allerdings einen erheblichen Vorteil:  Obgleich “teuer” aus Sicht einer Privatperson ist es doch vergleichsweise günstig gegenüber dem möglichen Schaden, den amerikanische Abmahn-Trolle anrichten können.

Deren aktueller Lieblingsparagraph heißt 35 USC §292 und regelt, daß Produkte nur dann als “patented” bezeichnet werden dürfen, wenn sie auch tatsächlich patentiert sind.  Denn in einem Leiturteil (“The Forest Group, Inc. vs. Bon Tool Co.”)  hat das zuständige amerikanische Berufungsgericht gerade festgestellt, daß die gesetzliche Höchsstrafe von $500 pro fälschlich markiertem Artikel anfällt.  Und zu der fälschlichen Markierung kann auch die Markierung eines Produkts mit einem abgelaufenen Patent gehören.

Unternehmen, die ihre Produkte in den USA vertreiben ist daher anzuraten regelmäßig die Richtigkeit der auf Produkten, Verpackungen und  Begleitmaterial genannten Patente oder der Markierung “patent pending” zu überprüfen.  Patente, die das Ende Ihrer Laufzeit erreicht haben, sollten zeitnah entfernt werden.  Ferne sollte sichergestellt werden, daß nur solche Patente genannt werden, deren Ansprüche wirklich das damit bezeichnete Produkte erfassen.

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Auswahl eines US Patentanwalts: Vorsicht vor schwarzen Schafen

Habe vor einigen Tagen bei Google recherchiert, wie US Patentanwaltskollegen ihre Leistungen bewerben.  Dabei auf eine Google Anzeige gestoßen, bei der eine Kanzlei mit günstigen Flat Rates für die Erstellung von Anmeldungen warb.  Die Google Anzeige versprach die Ausarbeitung einer neuen Anmeldung für unter $2000 – ein Angebot mit dem ich nicht mithalten kann.  Also habe ich die “Kollegen” angerufen und gefragt, was Ihr Geheimnis sei.  “Ein Netzwerk selbständiger Anwälte mit günstigen Nebenkosten” war die Antwort.  Klingt einleuchtend – aber dann, meine Nebenkosten sind ebenfalls sehr niedrig angesetzt.  Also noch etwas weiter recherchiert, und auf ein weiteres Geheimnis gestoßen:

  • Beim US Patentamt ist niemand mit dem Namen der Person registriert, die meinen Anruf beantwortet hat
  • Der Name der Kanzlei ist ebenfalls nicht im System des Patentamts zu finden
  • Unter dem Kanzleinamen sind keine Patente oder Patentanmeldungen veröffentlicht
  • Auf meine Nachfrage nach den Registriernummern der Anwälte wurde nie geantwortet

Dies legt die Vermutung nahe, daß es sich hier um schwarze Schafe handelt, die Anwaltsleistungen inserieren, ohne Anwälte zu sein. Anmelder sollten also Ihre Hausaufgaben machen, bevor Sie einen US Anwalt beauftragen, der (wie ich auch) in aller Regel zuerst eine Vorkasse Zahlung verlangen wird.  Zwei Tips dazu:

  • Ist der Anwalt beim USPTO zugelassen?  Beim USPTO können Sie die offizielle Datenbank aller zugelassenen Anwälte einsehen.  Mich finden Sie zum Beispiel hier.  Diese Datenbank können Sie auch nach Kanzleinamen durchsuchen.
  • Eine Suche nach dem Kanzleinamen in Patentdatenbanken kann einen Überblick verschaffen, welche Anmeldungen bzw. Patente von der Kanzlei vertreten wurden.  Eine Übersicht der von meiner Kanzlei Smartpat PLC vertretenen Anmeldungen finden Sie so zum Beispiel bei Freepatentsonline.
  • Ist der Anwalt bei einem Berufsverband zu finden?  Ich bin beispielsweise Mitglied der National Association of Patent Practitioners und über deren Webseite zu finden.

Diese Vorsichtmaßnahmen sollten helfen, schwarze Schafe bei der Auswahl eines US Patentanwalts zu erkennen.

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OK: Ist das wirklich ein Porsche?

Gabelstapler, designed by Porsche

US Design Patent Nummer 606274 wurde vor einigen Tagen veröffentlicht.  Eigentümer ist die Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.  Irgendwie scheint uns das Fahrzeug nicht ganz in die Reihe der Sportwagen zu passen…


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Pepsi patents animated logo

Who says an animation can’t be patented?  Just file several patents in a row…

This shows an animated PepsiCo logo that has been patented in consecutive Design Patents D601573 through D601577.

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